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The Virtual Learning Trend

The global pandemic has been hard on both students and teachers. Thankfully, modern technology has allowed teachers to keep teaching and students to keep learning with online learning platforms during school shutdowns. Even private tutoring, once done only face-to-face, can also be done online now. As a compliment to a student’s existing schooling, virtual tutoring has many benefits, and even some advantages over traditional in-person sessions.

Perhaps the greatest advantage of virtual tutoring is the convenience factor. Students can Zoom with a tutor from the comfort of their own home, or anywhere there is an internet connection. Another benefit of the virtual tutoring platform is its immersive quality. Through screen sharing a student can see exactly how to approach the problem, following the expert solution, written clearly on the screen in front of them. Finally, online learning sessions can be recorded to watch later – a valuable review tool. All in all, virtual tutoring is both a convenient and effective way to enhance your scholar’s regular learning program.

Get the virtual learning advantage! Every Tutoring by Matthew lesson includes a PDF of lesson notes and a recording of screen sharing.

Give yourself a break and book your private lesson today! Click on the Schedule tab and select the date and time of your preference.

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