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More Student Success Stories

For many of my regular customers, the school year is over. It’s a great time to reflect and report on some of their success. From a parent of a geometry student, “Guess who got an A in geometry this semester?? Thanks so much for all

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Favorite Math Class

A student recently asked me what my favorite math class was when I was in college. I paused and thought for a moment: did I even have a favorite class? At that time, I simply took the classes in front of me to meet the

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The Value of Reference Sheets

Math is hard. There are always a lot of formulas to learn in order to be successful in the classroom. While I have my own opinions about whether students should be required to memorize formulas, this is not meant to be a discourse on that

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Student Success Story – Alex V

For the last two years, I’ve been meeting in person for two hours a week with a student working towards his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is a returning student in his late 20s, working full-time but still managing to take a couple

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Support Local Businesses

A call I often receive starts something like this: “Our child has been attending the corporate tutoring company and just isn’t getting the help they need.” The conversation often includes information that the tutoring center has a student-to-teacher ratio of three to one, has a

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The Technology of Tutoring by Matthew

When I started tutoring back in 2013 it was almost 100 percent in person. I would travel around from coffee shop to coffee shop and setup for a few hours. I always carried a computer with me, but rarely needed it other than to check

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More Student Success Stories

For many of my regular customers, the school year is over. It’s a great time to reflect and report on some of their success. From a parent of a geometry student, “Guess who got an A in geometry this semester?? Thanks so much for all

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Favorite Math Class

A student recently asked me what my favorite math class was when I was in college. I paused and thought for a moment: did I even have a favorite class? At that time, I simply took the classes in front of me to meet the

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The Value of Reference Sheets

Math is hard. There are always a lot of formulas to learn in order to be successful in the classroom. While I have my own opinions about whether students should be required to memorize formulas, this is not meant to be a discourse on that

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Student Success Story – Alex V

For the last two years, I’ve been meeting in person for two hours a week with a student working towards his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is a returning student in his late 20s, working full-time but still managing to take a couple

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Support Local Businesses

A call I often receive starts something like this: “Our child has been attending the corporate tutoring company and just isn’t getting the help they need.” The conversation often includes information that the tutoring center has a student-to-teacher ratio of three to one, has a

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The Technology of Tutoring by Matthew

When I started tutoring back in 2013 it was almost 100 percent in person. I would travel around from coffee shop to coffee shop and setup for a few hours. I always carried a computer with me, but rarely needed it other than to check

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Private tutoring designed to meet your academic goals.

The perfect tune-up for college admission exams.

Learning tools designed to maximize your study time.