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Student Success Story – Alex V

For the last two years, I’ve been meeting in person for two hours a week with a student working towards his Bachelor of Science in Civil Engineering. He is a returning student in his late 20s, working full-time but still managing to take a couple of classes every semester. He has already passed Pre-Calculus, Calculus 1, Calculus 2, and is nearly done with Calculus 3. He messaged me this week about receiving the highest grade in his math class on a recent exam. While I play the role of the learning guide, he is doing hard work and doing well in exceptionally challenging math classes.

In a recent blog post, I mentioned that over the last ten years, my business has transitioned from almost 100 percent in-person tutoring to now 100 percent virtual lessons. However, I still offer limited in-person tutoring options, and for some students, this is the only way. I typically require a minimum of a two-hour booking and am limited to certain days, times, and locations when scheduling this way.

Book for in-person or virtual lessons today! Just click on the Schedule tab, select Meet with Matthew, and choose the day and time that works best for you.

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