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Support Local Businesses

A call I often receive starts something like this: “Our child has been attending the corporate tutoring company and just isn’t getting the help they need.” The conversation often includes information that the tutoring center has a student-to-teacher ratio of three to one, has a set curriculum, and, even worse, the customer is often locked into a contract. How does any of this serve the needs of the student?

The answer is private math tutoring with a dedicated professional who is able to assess the individual needs of the student. After all, isn’t the point of getting extra help to get one-on-one support? Students want help with what they are learning in the classroom, not an abstract curriculum that sounds good on the surface but doesn’t pan out when it comes to improving student grades. Finally, with Tutoring by Matthew, there are no contracts, just a good faith commitment to showing up to your regular lesson time.

Yes, I am a local small business. I appreciate each of my customers who schedule regular tutoring as well as those who book lessons a la carte via my website. I look forward to helping you on your math journey.

Finals are approaching and lesson times are filling up fast! Just click on the Schedule tab, select Meet with Matthew, and choose the day and time that works best for you.

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