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Is it enough just to “think positive”?

We, as people making our way through the world, are often reminded about the power of positive thinking. “Positivity breeds success and happiness…” and other such quotes are in plentiful supply, oft repeated to those in need of inspiration. However, the reality is that simply “being positive” is not enough to be successful at whatever one is working at. Instead, research shows that self-confidence or personal efficacy is the ultimate driver of positivity, and in turn, that is what leads to success. In other words, it’s not just enough to think positive thoughts; therefore, the focus ought to be on how to build confidence and personal efficacy. For students, an effective strategy starts by identifying where academic confidence is low, shoring up those knowledge gaps, and encouraging a student to take control over their own learning trajectory.

Math is a journey learned over years and years of study. More than any other subject, staying the course in math requires realistic expectations, namely that math is not learned “overnight” or in a “crash course”. There will be times when a student doesn’t get the result they want. However, if there is an internal sense of control over one’s math destiny, students will know to communicate their need for assistance. Tutoring help in math is the ideal prescription when math struggles appear. Tutoring by Matthew recognizes that students are best served by building their confidence. That is why every lesson is geared towards what the student wants to work on, which in turn develops that critical sense of personal efficacy needed for finding success.

Take control of your math learning and book your private tutoring session with Tutoring by Matthew today. Simply click on the schedule tab and select the date and time of your preference.

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