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It’s Never Too Late for Tutoring

Students and parents often ask me how often they should schedule tutoring. The answer is that it varies depending on the unique needs and goals of each student. While I do recommend that students get regular tutoring throughout the semester, and far ahead of important test dates, this isn’t always necessary or possible. For example, a student may be struggling with a limited number of concepts that can be clarified in one or two sessions and make all the difference prior to an important test. Of course, students who are having consistent struggles in math will truly benefit from starting private tutoring at the beginning of the school year. I recommend signing up for two sessions a week over the course of a semester for full academic benefit. So, whether you’d like to sign up for regular tutoring sessions, or just need some last-minute help, don’t hesitate on scheduling your first or next lesson, it could make the difference when it comes to that all important final grade.

To schedule your private tutoring math lesson, click on the Schedule tab and choose the date and time that works best for you.

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