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The Math Behind the Pyramid

I recently watched a documentary about the ancient pyramids of Egypt. Built roughly 5,000 years ago, these megalithic structures have remained a topic of great wonder and debate among mathematicians throughout history. Were these mysterious pyramids examples of advanced mathematics applications?

One speculation is that the number π was purposely integrated into the overall structure of the Great Pyramid at Giza. Consider these facts: if one divides the Great Pyramid’s perimeter by its height, one obtains a number roughly equal to 2π. In addition, the slope of each side of the Great Pyramid is very close to 4/π.[1] Many academics feel that these relationships could not have been coincidental and that the builders were clearly and intentionally applying universal math formula.

Another popular theory – as attributed to measurements of the pyramid by the ancient Greek Herodotus, is that the Great Pyramid was built with a design based on the Golden Ratio (aka, the Golden Mean). However, new analysis of Herodotus’ work discounts the idea that the Golden Mean formula was indeed used in the structure at Giza’s design.[2] At any rate, the mystery surrounding the architectural wonder of the ancient pyramids will likely continue unless new archeological evidence is uncovered to solve the debate.

To learn more about pi and other math concepts, book your private tutoring lesson today. Click on the Schedule tab and select the date and time of your preference.

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