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Summer School: Catch-up, Get Ahead

The school year is almost over, and most students look forward to taking a break from the stress of it all. Once you settle into summer, it might be tempting to completely avoid academics. However, I recommend that students do a moderate amount of work on math during their summer break. Some students opt to take summer school to catch up but taking a class over summer to get ahead is a great idea too. Sacrificing the time to take just one class could make a big difference in how you do in math the following year.

During summer session, the material is compacted into a shorter time period. Thus, it requires nearly daily attention with the coursework to keep up. Regular tutoring improves the ability to synthesize math concepts, especially helpful in the accelerated format of summer school. Sometimes students want or need to miss a day or more of summer class. There really is no time to fall behind in summer session though. Private tutoring can bridge the gap for those missed days. Zoom can even be done while on a family vacation!

It will take some compromise to fit summer school into your schedule, but the effort is well worth it. Getting a leg up on next year’s math learning could make the difference in getting an A grade, achieving better SAT/ACT scores, and in turn propel a student into the college of their choice. All in all, enduring just one math class over summer is a small sacrifice for a better future. Not only can you catch up, but you can also get ahead!

Make the most of your summer! Sign up for tutoring today. Click the Schedule tab and select the date and time of your preference.

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