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Welcome Back: A Message from Matthew

The heat is still a part of our daily lives here in AZ even though summer is over. I just returned from a trip to Fort Collins, CO. If you’ve ever been there, you already know it’s an amazing place. The summers there are ideal for outdoorsy people like me, owing to the mild temperatures and long daylight hours. Even teeing off at 6 pm, I was still able to finish 18 holes of golf just before dark. The historic downtown area of Fort Collins is very charming, with Main Street featuring numerous historic buildings dating to the early 1900’s. Disney fans ought to make note of this interesting factoid: Main Street, Disneyland was modeled after Main Street in Old Town Fort Collins.  

While I was out of town, I continued to tutor students through Zoom, an incredible communication platform that I am extremely thankful for. Now that fall is here, I want to welcome you back to school and once again offer my academic services. In addition to Zoom lessons, I offer in-person tutoring on a limited basis. In all honesty though, I believe that Zoom tutoring is the more effective way to receive math tutoring, largely because of the screen-sharing capability that immerses both student and tutor in the learning process.  I also invite all students to take advantage of the math learning tools I have designed: both Question of the Week and Practice Worksheets offer students a learning opportunity like none other out there.

What did you did do over summer break? I look forward to hearing about it at our next meeting!


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