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More Back-to-School Tips

It is truly important to prepare early for the new school year. Ideally, a student should return to school in the fall with renewed energy and an enthusiastic attitude. One way to make this happen is by taking it easy the week before school starts. In other words, going on a vacation and coming back the very last minute is not the best idea. Spending a lot of time on your computer or in front of a screen gaming the week prior before is also not going to help you start fresh. On the other hand, mild to moderate exercise such as hiking, or even yoga, will help to center and energize your mind and body.

Back to school shopping is also an activity that for many students and parents is more akin to a “major event”. Getting your basic supplies prior to the first day of school is ideal. Once school starts and you know more details, you can then procure the supplies that are unique to specific classes. Many students have their own note-taking systems that make studying easier and more effective. Often, this includes an array of different pens, pencils, highlighter pens and post-it notes. Seeing as the global supply chain still has not recovered from the ill-effects of the pandemic, make sure to get your must-have items ahead of time before they run out.

Finally, as tempting as it may be to skip the first day or week of school, this is generally not a good idea. Many instructors reveal certain “secrets” on the very first class meeting including details about grading and attendance policies, and this is information you definitely don’t want to miss!

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