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SOS: Math Mayday!

You finally got the score back for your first math test of the semester and it was not the grade you wanted. You are quite upset and wonder…what can I do to turn things around?

Try not to be overly discouraged. Instead, take some time to think about why you did not do well. Were you graded too harshly? It could be that you didn’t sleep well the night before or get the proper nutrition that day. Finally, maybe the material was just really difficult. The point is, by critically examining what went wrong you can do things differently next time.

If you don’t feel your grade is fair, speak with your instructor. Bringing the issue to their attention will alert them to the fact that you are the type of student who cares about your grade. You can also try to find out how other students fared. If most students did poorly, that should tell you something. On the other hand, if most students did well, that should also tell you something…you probably need extra help in this course. Math mayday!

Private tutoring with a qualified and experienced tutor is the first line of defense against flagging grades. In just one session, nearly all of my students see improvement in their understanding of difficult concepts. With regular tutoring over the course of a semester, most students end up receiving the grade they want, even in the most difficult of math classes.

So, don’t let one less than optimal test grade get you down. Instead, use this momentary setback to inspire action that will lead to positive change on your next exam.

Send out an SOS and get rid of math distress! Book a private tutoring session with Math by Matthew today. Just click on the Schedule Tab and select the date and time you prefer.

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