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An Unexpected Benefit of Tutoring

The most common phone call that I get is from a parent with a child that has fallen behind. They often mention recent low grades and a general lack of understanding. This can be the first time the student has ever struggled in math or a pattern that has finally required some outside assistance. Regular tutoring will help in improving grades and understanding. However, most parents (and students) are surprised at the one benefit of tutoring that they did not expect…

Earlier this school year, a parent contacted me about his son who was desperately in need of improving his standardized tests score in math. The student is a future college student-athlete and had a number of scholarships offers available but needed higher test scores. Based on research, getting lessons two times a week yields the best results on average over the long-term, and this is exactly the recipe that this student followed. In the last few weeks, he took the same standardized test one more time and received his highest scores, not just in math but also in the other content areas. You may be asking yourself, what is the Tutoring by Matthew difference?  

This student had more confidence than ever before. This was being displayed in the classroom, on the sports field, as well as at home, and in his personal life. When I asked the parents about this, the response was very direct, “We see a confidence in our son that was not there before regular tutoring lessons”. While my approach to math is well received, I had always hoped that the student learning and problem solving would overlap into other subjects for the student.

To gain more confidence, schedule your private math lesson today. Just click on the Schedule tab and select the date and time you prefer.

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