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The Last 10 Percent

Have you ever met someone that stopped a project not really knowing how close they are to the finish line? This person may have disclosed their frustration or feeling that there was no way to reach their goal. The long semester in school can at time feel like a never ending project. The back-to-school memories have faded and even with time off over Fall break and Thanksgiving it can seem like there is no end.

Cheer up, there is hope! I am reminded of what a long-distance runner once told me. He revealed that the start and end of the race are the easiest for obvious reasons. The first mile is when you are fresh, and the last mile is when you can see the end in sight. With Thanksgiving week over, every student is now on that final stretch of the semester (and parents too). You are literally within sight of that finish line.

It is never too late to get started and there are numerous benefits to tutoring. Even in this short period of time before the end of the semester, it is possible to increase your understanding and improve your grade. Even just one lesson could make all the difference.

Close out your semester strong, schedule your private math lesson today. Just click on the Schedule tab and select the date and time you prefer.

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