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How to Prepare for Final Exams

Its that time of the semester when final exams are upon us. For the student there is a lot of material to cover and only a limited amount of time to review. A common questions students ask me is how to best prepare for a final exam.

When it comes to preparing for the final exam, students need to know a few key important pieces of information. First, know the exact date and time of the exam. Don’t be the student that shows up to the test day and being surprised. Second, find out if the exam is cumulative or just the more recent material in the class. Third, learn the format. Some teachers prefer multiple choice exams for faster grading. Its also important to find out if the exam is actually being written by your teacher or a common exam given to all students taking the class. Finally, and most importantly students need to know their current grade and what grade they need on the final to either maintain their grade or improve it. Having these questions answered well in advance of final exam preparation is the start to success.

In terms of actual preparation, students tend to focus too much on what they know and not enough at what they don’t know. Not remembering is not the same as not knowing. They also tend to focus too much on the details rather than the overall concepts being taught. Some students get a review packet or study guide. This is a great start but may not be enough to get the grade you want. Thus, the benefit of tutoring is clear. My approach to final exam preparation will help you weed through chapter tests and past homework assignments to know exactly what to work on and how to make the most of your study time.

Get the grade you have been working for all semester long. Just click on the Schedule tab and select the date and time you prefer.

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