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Happy New Year 2023! A Message from Matthew

Whenever I get time away from work, I like to spend it outdoors, whether it be hiking or playing golf or just simply enjoying the warm Arizona sun in the backyard. For those of you that don’t live in the Southwest, you will better understand why we put up with the summer heat for the great weather this time of year. Alas, I did not spend all my time outside, I also got caught up on a couple of TV shows that I had missed. I even read a physical book and as always have a couple of audio books going. The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year and I am sad to see it go but it is a new year and while its cliché, it is an opportunity for new beginnings.

In the past I have written about setting goals, planning, and executing that plan to reach your highest potential. This is still true and the turning of the calendar makes this an exciting time to get started. If you have not done this, spend a moment and think back on last semester. How did you finish in your math class? Did you get the grade you wanted? How would you like this semester to be different? The answers to these questions will help you to determine how often you should get regular tutoring.

If you are a customer from last semester, I have already contacted you about getting a regular time each week. Research shows that getting at least one lesson per week leads to improvement in the classroom not only in grade and understanding, but also builds confidence . If you are considering tutoring for the first time, I always offer a “Try it out” lesson completely FREE to see if it’s a good fit.

If your goals also include getting into the college of your dreams, I am starting an SAT/ACT prep class later this month. While this class will focus on the math portions of the tests, it teaches test taking strategies that work in other parts of the test as well as in the classroom. Each class will cover a test-taking strategy with examples and a common math subject area found on the test.

2023 is going to be a great year! Thanks in advance for letting me help you this semester. What did you did do over winter break? What are your goals for this coming year? I look forward to hearing about it at our next meeting!



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