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Break Up with your Bad Habits

I recently finished Atomic Habits by James Clear. Its a great read or in my case a great listen. When I switched to audio books a couple of years ago, I found that I was able to consume a lot more content and even enjoy books that I might not normally be willing to read all the way through. I highly recommend a digital audio subscription.

This book focuses on many aspects of habit building. I learned quickly that I had built up a few bad habits as well like not writing a regular message to my customers. It was easy to avoid this task and soon it became a habit to not post. I made a variety of excuses, even attributing my lack of posting to a design update on my website.

If you are struggling in math, perhaps you have been making excuses or giving yourself reasons not to consider private tutoring. Regular tutoring makes sense when you have fallen behind, but what about students that are doing well or even getting ahead? The answer is that private tutoring is a great habit to keep and will help you maintain those gains in the classroom as well as keep students from falling further behind.

Build better habits and schedule regular tutoring. Just click on the Schedule tab, select Meet with Matthew, and choose the day and time that works best for you.

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