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Time for Spring Break

For many, the month of March represents the beginning of Spring. If you live in the southwest like I do, we have already been experiencing warmer than normal temperatures for the last couple of weeks. For students who have been waiting for a break, March also represents the traditional time for “Spring Break”. It often feels deserved for student who have been attending school for almost two months since the start of the semester. It also represents the last break before the race to the finish line.

Over the next couple of weeks, you will probably hear me asking you about the dates of your Spring Break. I generally take students off the schedule during their break unless I am told otherwise. I get it. Students want to take a break from everything but is this really the best use of their time? While a week off in the gym might make sense for recovery, the mind would benefit from some type of engagement. In the past many students have used this time to get ahead in their studies or even study for college entrance exams like the SAT and ACT.

A quick reminder on my cancellation policy. With Tutoring by Matthew, there are contracts and no obligations beyond the weekly commitment for regular tutoring. However, I do require 24 hours’ notice for any changes that are made to a scheduled lesson time. Otherwise, there may be a charge up to the full price of the lesson. If you need to make a change, let me know as soon as possible so that I can add another student to the schedule.

Maximize your Spring Break time off from school. Just click on the Schedule tab, select Meet with Matthew, and choose the day and time that works best for you.

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