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ASVAB Prep Packages Now Available

When I started tutoring, I thought that my main focus would be high school and college students. While this continues to remain true to this day, I have also helped a lot of other students over the years. When parents contact me and ask if I can help a student in elementary or middle school, the answer is yes. Do I help returning students, those students who are going back to school? The answer again is yes. Have I helped students get into graduate school by improving their GRE, DAT, and MCAT scores…you guessed it, yes! 

Recently I have had a lot more requests for students that have need tutoring the most. These are the men and women that will be serving our country in the armed forces. Part of the recruitment process requires these students to take the ASVAB exam. Based on these scores, the person will be placed into prospective career fields. The higher the score, the more choices that they will have.

This week, I created three new tutoring packages available exclusively to ASVAB students. For those that just need only a single lesson, the Starter package is worth considering. The best value is my Upgraded package offering three student lessons along with an individual learning plan. This package is designed for students looking to take the ASVAB exam in the next 1-2 weeks. Finally, the Ultimate package comes with ten lessons, test prep materials, and a money back guarantee.

Your dreams can come true! Just click on the Schedule tab, select ASVAB/GED Prep and choose the the package that works best for you.

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